Farah said: OMG. You need to love yourself.A waist size of 22cm is never going to be attractive. I swear. That's too thin. Instead of worrying if you're fat or not, just be healthy la. That's more important. And above all, don't be swayed by all the advertisements on the billboard telling you how you should look . They're photoshopped and airbrushed to perfection. We can never be perfect. I have cellulite and stretch marks and unless I have the money for surgery, they're never going to go away. But that's okay, I've embraced them. Used to hate it so much but nothing I can do. Not all women look like Megan Fox btw. Here's a more realistic view on how REAL women look like without the photoshop and airbrushing. Just ordinary beautiful women. http://theshapeofamother.com/ I hope you can realize how important it is to embrace yourself. People used to call me names too. And I wasn't even fat. So yeah, don't need to care much abt what ppl think. You can never make urself happy by attempting to make them happy. I love you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Muahhxx
i just want to say : i dont know. i just had my moment of self evaluation last nite.thinking how happy a girl that is sooo attractive with flawless body, beautiful face,do nothing but still having friends around them..they x even need to spit out words, yet ppl still want to talk to them..they x even need to be good with ppl but ppl still being a better friend to them. their smile say a million words.how life can be soo unfair. thats what i think. but having u as my friend at the first place is something that i never thought of..haha i swear. btw btw thnx for the advice really2 appreciate it la wey..referring to my previous post..im listing the important people in my life. u're on the list. I love u la!!!why la why la..hahaahah
islah said: betul! yg penting sihat :) setiap org ada kelebihan masing2.. setiap lelaki ada ciri2 wanita idaman.. hehe.. jgn risau :)
deklin says: thnx islah..dah ada..da lelaki idaman tapi belum jumpa..ayat skema kan :) hohooohoho..
Kn says: deklin!!! ape merepek nie!!! btul kate kawan deklin nie... kN dpt rase ape yg deklin rase. deklin pun prasan kan yg kN skang nie sudah membesar... hu~ kalo bleh nak balik mcm dulu balik. tp dah x bleh dah. dulu, time org slalu kate kN mkn besar, kN rase cam nak amek pisau, nak potong je mane2 bhgn yg membesar nie. tp naseb bek kN waras lg tau. smpai ade satu thap, kN x mo kuar bilik lg, xmo g klas sbb malu sumer org ckp kN camtu. tp lame2, bile de kwan2 yg memahami, kN mkn jd biase ngan sumer nie. cube accept sape diri kite skrg nie. confident ngan diri kite sendr. tp still, bile org ckp kN besar ke, gemok ke, tembam ke, kN still mkn ati lg, wlaupun muke kite tersenyum. x pe deklin, sekurang2nye kite happy ngann diri kite. jap. happy ke? x happy pun. kN pun tgh cube bine self confidence n happy ngan diri sendiri. jom kite same2 berusaha tuk menyayangi diri sendiri. kite boleh sayang diri sendiri. p/s: kN x tau ape kN merepek nie. tetibe jer emo. sori kalo buat deklin pening.
kn comey takpeeee la weyyy.....( tp deklin lagi comey..yay)
haha..btol2..org ckp mcm2 kite snyum je..tak la mkn ati sngt sbb mmg da gmok..adoi..deklin pun cuba bina self confidence..cuma jeles je kadang2 tngok kwn2 yg kurus cantik tapi ckp diri sndiri gmok(asa nk bunuh diri je dgr hahaha) kn jgn emo!nnti deklin ter JOIN plak ahaha.. deklin syg KN..
dan islah jgak hahahaha (ok tak cover kat sini)
One of my friend said, the thing that matters now is i am actually want to be perfect in front of everybody.
Lots of love(LOL)
ps:im not trying too hard la wey look at this..
8 conclusion(s):
dun worry dotsie ... =)
Allah will forever sayang dotsie! so do i!
dun worry much about urself!
ala... KN sorry ek.. saye pun TERpernah comment KN tembab.. saje je gurau.. tapi kalau TERambil hati.. sorry ek
Deklin! :)
Tapikan Deklin, kalau la saya lelaki, awakla first choice isteri saya tau.
aj: thnk u aj! syg u more la wey:)
miba: :DDDDDD
najwa: awww...i will i will..hahah bajet kene propose(tol kan word ni)
org halimunan
"nasib baik yg sy punya awak x letak
kok words pon mahu di makan :P
da kurus da weh"
siapa org halimunan eyy hahaha
ala.. rse lain mcm nih..
sori la deklin n KN, rse mcm pnh kte gak jer..
tp biasanya org nak bgurau jer tu..
ps semua org pnah kne ayat tu termasuk aku and just accept and embrace ourselves..
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