Monday, January 12, 2009

rant on whatever it is..

back to 1994..we move to Taman Sukma i was like 4 years old at that's jz a small terrace house..but okaayylaaa...jiran2 pun okaayylaaaa....but that was 14 years ago..well, what can I say everything's changing from time to time..bak kata org2..skrg..zaman da maju..there's a lot of changes here..

1) Sukma Ria(i dont even understand why they build this. Maybe it's just how people nowadays
waste their money on)
- Sukma Ria where people previously enjoy their meal, where housewives can easily buy all those groceries here.
- Sukma Ria now is a lot more like tmpat budak2 lepak..karaoke smpai pagi..and one more thing..tmpat gaduh2..hey 2 words LOSERS!BACK OFF!!!

2) Like I said, it's just a small terrace house. The distance between my house and my neighbours at the back is only like 1 metre. Oh day my brother, abg dos met a girl at his office. Their conversation goes like this..and the girls starts the conversation first.

Girl: Ey u from Taman Sukma rite?samalaaaa kitaaa..
Dos: yea2..taman sukma la..
Girl: dpt la tumpang2..hehe
Dos: Bole jak..asal ada org bayar tol..
Girl: Bole2..alrightt..
Dos: Btw u tnggal lorong ne?
Girl: 1D..u?
Dos: aiee i lorong 1E..xjaoh la kita..
(after a while of conversation)
Girl: aie..adik u nak tiap2 ari nyanyi dlm toilet ya..
Dos: aie..umah u la yg x siap2 gik da berapa taun renovation..
we r neighbours for almost 15 years...

we've just known each other after spent almost 15 years here in Taman Sukma..hihihi..

couldnt agree more that we only meet each other in the morning where mum pegi sidai baju..kain2..

what else?urm..luckily taman sukma x bnjir oi..haha=)

that's all la for now..till then..


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