Wednesday, November 25, 2009

say it pray for it! =)

earlier of the day..a lot of random things happened..i shall keep it by myself..but the story behind it is what i called a miracle..not because of what happened..but because of what happened next..

n so i've learned my lesson <3
never ever take things for granted.

nuff said=)

Lots of love

Friday, November 20, 2009

021109...haha lama da..

20 hari da belalu tapi mseh smpat lagi.. Happy Birthday Muhammad Firdaus Bin Sahari...haha

Dengan ini nk mngucapkan terima kasih:
1) membeli tiket kapal terbang setiap kali pergi dan blik ke miri..:)
2)blnja mkan2 mmg superb laa:)
3)lawak yang x pnah abes..:)
4)camera yang dibeli baru2 ini..yay..untuk field trip:)
5)sacrifice laptop anda..bgus la..
6)full time driver..wuu..

Tak puas hati:
1)barang dia slalu lbih mahal..
2)bilik sy da jadi blik dia..haih
3)pemalas tahap undefineable
4)makan salu dpt lebeh..haihh


haha.. bang dos..25 years old dah..wuuu..tua eh
Semoga panjang umor dan dimurahkan rezeki..dah keja belanjaaa!!! yay.. :D muah..xoxo

Lots of love xoxo:)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Aiman n Bella happy BestDay.. :) 091109

rasa diri sndiri plak birthday..best3 :) makaannn.. :)

enjoy ur day...happy 20!



ini aiman :) dan saya

Bella :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

a friend of a friend of mine gave people

Before anyone can have a true and complete understanding of hijab and its real meaning, one needs to take a step back and start at the beginning. Allah says in the Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God, what means:

[Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between!] (Al-Anbiyaa' 21:16)

In this verse Allah makes clear that everything He created has a purpose. Every star in the sky, every fish in the ocean, and every leaf on a tree was made for a specific reason. So too was the human being created for a specific purpose. And Allah explains this purpose clearly in the Quran. He says what means:

[And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.] (Adh-Dhariyat 51:56)

It is important to note even the construction of this statement. Allah did not just say that He created jinn and mankind to worship Him. He began with a negation. He said: "I did not create the jinn and mankind." By saying it in this way, Allah begins by clearing the board from any other purpose before He states what our one and only purpose is: to worship Him and Him alone.

Now, it is in that context that one should begin to understand hijab. Hijab should properly be seen as simply another show of devotion to our Creator. Just as we pray and fast because He commanded us to do so, we should view hijab in the very same light.

Just as praying and fasting sincerely for Allah's pleasure brings us closer to Him, so too does wearing hijab — if done with the same sincerity. By obeying Allah's commandments, hijab is just another way to worship our Lord. And in so doing, it brings us closer to realizing our purpose of creation.

That purpose can be reflected even in the clothes that we choose to wear. If when we choose our dress, our intention is to please Allah, that action in itself is an act of worship. In the very choice of one piece of clothing over another, is an act of worship.

Many people like to refer to hijab as a "personal choice". Yes. It is a personal choice. It is a personal choice to submit to God rather than the fashion of society. It is a choice to be beautiful to God, rather than to people. And it is a choice to cover and dignify the body Allah gave you, rather than give in to a culture that teaches women they are to be sex objects who sell their bodies to market beer.

However, hijab should not just be seen as a cloth one puts on the head. Rather hijab is a symbol of our worship and servitude to God. It is a symbol of modesty, that is not just about our attire; it extends to our whole demeanor.

If someone is wearing the hijab of modest clothing but is not modest in their behavior, they have only shown the external modesty. But internal modesty is missing. Because both internal and external modesty is essential, Allah mentioned the two together in the Quran:

[Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty…] (Al-Mu'minun 24:30-31)

In this verse of the Quran, Allah does not just talk about the dress of modesty, but also the demeanor of modesty. In fact, both internal and external modesty is so important that the Prophet (peace be upon him) connected it with faith itself.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that teaches the exact opposite. In our society today, modesty is viewed as a sign of weakness and insecurity, when in fact modesty is a sign of dignity and self-respect.

True modesty means not only being modest in front of people, but also in front of Allah.

Ultimately, Allah knows best. We seek His guidance in all our affairs; and we pray that He shows us and allows us to remain firm on the straight path.

copied from : me me me

peace yalls:)

jatuh longkang

walaupun belom berfieldtrip..tapi muka da hitam akibat

tnggu bus selama 50 minit smlm.

pakcik bus pun satu tau bnyk student bwak bus kecik.haih..tak psl2 kena tnggu lagi

pstu g jemur baju under matahari lagi..

tnggu org kena lagi matahari..

n last sekali jalan kaki dari villa...huuu..

najwa!kita da serupa! teehee~jokee! =) babe!chill

oh storage punya psl...sbb kita da penah ada slah faham dgn management kot..sbb tu taknak negotiate pape pon..sori tidak dpt membantu da ~

oh ya smalam jatuh longkang lpas buat laundry..mcm2 jadi kan?kaki bengkak n biru2 lebam

lots of love
lately kuat sngt tido..tapi ni hanyalah gmba:D

Friday, October 30, 2009

a new chapter begin

i know it's almost end of the semester but after reading this
Click click

menuntut ilmu itu jihad, da ada smgt nk belajar neh

and yeah a new chapter begin.. :)
my previous previous post was a bit emo. :D haha im all okay already. Thnx for ur concern :)
blaja oi!

oh ya read this:D

Soaring The Eagle

final exam menjelang..13 n 18 nov! blaja blaja blaja!:)

STE (soaring the eagle) 6 December 2009 kumpul di KLCC.
Bila bckp tntg soaring the eagle, mcm2 kwn ckp.takde kaitan lngsung ngan soaring the eagle.

1)dtg2 kl nnti pegi kl central. tau tak naik bus g kl central?jgn pegi pudu raya tmpat org pelik2..bahaya..

2)KL central tu nnti ramai org..kita naik ketapi letrik!choo choo..~dari kl central pilih je nk g mana2..round2 satu hari dlm ketapi letrik pun tkpa..

3)sunway oi sunway..skating swimming..

4)KLCC tu menara kembar tu..yg salu dlm tv..tinggiii

5)KLCC tu ada tmpat shopping jgak..jln2 la..

6)first time g kl?beg hati2 la..peluk kuat2 beg tu..

7)nnti dtg nk jln2 mana jgak?shopping one utama utama tu jalan satu hari pun tak abes2..spend masa lebey ckit..

8)g ar tngok putrajaya cantik.. =_="

9)org kat kl mana guna bus..satu lagi nk naik ketapi kena cepat2 dia otomatik..siapa lmbt kena tnggl la..tapi ada lagi yg dtg..tnggu je..

n bnyak lagi perbualan yg tak terhenti..

sbnrnya tak tau papa pon..nanti nk tngok sndiri KL tu cmna yer:D hhaha..

tapi da ada bayangan macam..satu tmpat yg sesak sngt..bahaya pnoh org yg tak pat caya..

berbalik kepada tajuk tadi..Soaring The Eagle is a program that held by the PETRONAS Company under the PETRONAS Management Training (PERMATA-Instep), for all the PETRONAS sholars.conclusion nyer petronas nyer bnda la..dari 6dec-11dec..smpat ke nk main2 kat KL? :D

Lots of love(LOL)

Friday, October 23, 2009

awk dan sy da tak mcm dl lagi..

Kadang2 bila rasa sedih teringat ayat islah.

Diam* snyum

Hari ini hari jadi najwa selamat hari jadi.(semalam nyer)

Terguris hati apabila penat lelah disambut dgn sikap yg dingin..tapi sy balas dgn snyuman..seolah2 mcm takde papa jadi..kita terima je bila org bsikap mcmtu..supaya org tu bole snyum balik..

Bgun tido happy je..tapi org sekeliling masam..tkut..nk tgur takut..apatah lagi nk tanya khabar..nasib ada org greet morning dan bertanya khbar..tiap kali bukak pintu blik.. :)

Kadang2 kita marah semua org sekeliling kita disebabkan kesalahan org lain..kita dgr je..rintihan..kita snggup dgr..kita snggup duduk dan memberi pendapat..kita siap make fun of it..supaya tak terlalu tension..tapi org tak hargai pun..malah snggup putuskan tali persahabatan..

Kadang2 org lepaskan perasaan marah kat kita..tapi dgn org lain bole lagi gelak2..kita tngok je dari jaoh..asalkan dia happy takpela..sori sy bkn kwn yg baik..yang bole mggembirakan kamu..

Kadang2 org ckp kasar kat kita..kasar sngt..walhal kita da ckp dgn btol..apakah salah sy di situ?

Kadang2 org buat salah..kita amik mcm bnda biasa je..tapi apabila kita salah org amik serious sngt..kita trus try ubah perangai...

Kadang2 kita nk tlong org..wpun pnat..kita take it as lumrah kita berkawan..tapi bila org takpat tlong kita cdey sngt..bknnya nk mintak balas pun..tapi rasa cdey sngt..tak tau knapa..

Kadang2 dlm begurau..kita tersilap ckit..trus marah..bkn mksud lain pon..btol2 nk btol2 mintak maaf..Cuma terasa kalo diungkit kembali..

Kadang2 kita try nk sembunyi perkara sbnr untuk mengelak bnda yg trok berlaku..tapi bila da terjadi..kita dianggap bersubahat..susah jgak..

Kepada kamu, kamu dan kamu, post ini bukan untuk kamu, tapi untuk kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu n kamu, tidak wajar dicakap face to face,biarlah jadi satu rintihan di blog ini..

Kadang2 kita pun ada perasaan marah, kadang2 ada time cdey, kadang2 ada time stress, tapi kita tak lepaskan kat org..bole je lepas tapi sy..pilih untuk tidak..ada je org ckp deklin tak pnah marah..deklin tak pnah pun cdey.. kita ada pilihan sbnrnya untuk pilih jadi marah pilih jadi cdey tapi sy pilih untuk lupa.

Supaya kita semua dpt jadi happy :)

Alluhumma inni a’uzubika minalhammi walhazan..

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari rasa susah dan sedih..

Kalau org sekeliling bole terima kita, kenapa kita tak bole terima org lain dalam hidup kita…

Kadang2 terasa nk hak dan layanan yg sama.

Tapi itu bukan pilihan saya..

Kebelakangan ini cpt sangat terasa..Cuma mmpu diam*snyum

Lots of love(LOL)


pS: Sy mmg da cuba untuk berbaik semula dgn awk..tapi rasa segan bila berdepan dgn awk, segan dgn kesilapan yg lepas. Terokkan sy?Im ruining our friendship. Saya da try..nk baik tapi dibalas dgn sikap dingin awk. Adakah itu mmg sikap semulajadi awk ataupun diri ini cpat sngt terasa. Wajarlah seorang perempuan bersikap sedemikian. Bila tngok awk cmtu sy pun cuba menjauhkan diri.Sori. Malu sbnrnya. Semester da nk abes, mmg kita dkat tapi rasa jaoh sngt.. Bila dpt ckp dgn awk gembira sngt.tapi takde bende da nk ckp dgn awk. Awk ngan sy bkn mcm dl lagi da. Skrg kalo ckp bnda yg libatkan kerja je.. Kalo takde kerja tak ckp da. . Skrg tak brani nk rapat sngt ngan sapa2 da..takut punya rasa yang sama..Rasa yg pernah sy alami dl.pelik bukan?biarlah rasa itu pergi..jgn pernah kembali..

Monday, October 19, 2009

ICT lab

sda test esok :(
it's 0003 in the morning im still here..who's going to send me backk???

oh ya there's an international student describing Kuching as the most wonderful place to his friend in front of me. haha..n i am listening attentively to whatever he says :)

im glad u love kuching.
im starting to miss my hometown


Lots of love

pS: pray for me tmorrow:(

Sunday, October 18, 2009

hari ini..

1)bgun pagi..tkejut tmpat lain.terlupa malam tadi tido blik jiha...

2) siap2..nk pegi melawat furu..hai furu! :) tak smpat bekfest pon

3) kol 1030 gerak g hospital..mula2 takleh jumpa sbb waktu melawat kol 1230.knapaa laahh sistem mcm ni..

4)furu sndiri trun..of coz dgn kerusi roda..Alhamdulillah dia smbuh da :) aktiviti menyampaikan donation bermula.. :) tak smpai 5 saat pon..

5)oh ya muka furu bengkak2..teringat time blaja bio dulu2..

6) pstu ktorang blikk..

7)Mr President belanja makan pizza hut..rezeki murah hari ni :) walaupun mencari parking smpai 5 pusingan, hampir2 putus asa..tapi dapat jugak..rezeki lagi.. Alhamdulillah :)

8) Balik..penattt..tetido jap dlm keta..

9) Tak blik umah pon..trus g ict lab ada lab test SDA 101 sok..senior2 ckp sng je.ko blaja smple test dl2..kalau tak dpt full mark tak tau la..tapi sy tetap rasa bnda ni confusing..

10) Jumpa geng2 belajar SDA..rezeki lagii..:) dan kami pon belajar..main sapa buat lab sapa abes toleh diorang smpat lagi main fesbuk..kalo esok mcmtu kan best..

11) Da abes buat..lapaarr plak..

12) Along tompangkan g ctr..naseb bek ada org tmpangkan..rezeki lagi :) alhamdulillah

13) arini tak ckup mkn pizza sy mkn nasi goreng jawa special.. dlm hati"bila nk kurus neh" haihh...

14) blik dari CTR kak jiji ajak g open house makcik kueh..rezeki lagi..ada rendang(kegemarannn) bessttt

15) makcik tu kasik tapau kek lapis... besstt ahhh..

tadi pagi doa..ya Allah permudahkan lah urusan ku..
sampai ok je rini..
harap sok pon ok..test pon sng..full mark(aminnn ya rabbal alaminn) =) haha

tadi terbaca status org kat facebook..
1 month, 4 subjects, 4HD, dean's list, 1 goal.

pernahkah kita berazam dan berusaha seperti ini?
jom jom jom jom jom jom! ^__________^

Lots of love

pS:don u think u're making things more complicated. jom forgive n forget. i miss those good old days..remember?

Friday, October 2, 2009


suma org ada post raya mlas nk tulis tapi


kalo ni ditakdirkan raya terakhir pun da tak kesah da.. :D

indu umah, family, n kucing2 kesayangan :)
takpe..nk blik jgak tak lama lagi.

Apa jadi da setakat ni ah?

=> Ramadhan habes, ramadhan yg plg bnyk diuji i would say. Raya pon dah. Jom puasa enam:)

Feel like running away..where to?
What happen to me ba?
10th october, not here not there not anywhere. away jap..

- tkut nk g cmpus..tak tau knapa..
- abes kelas trus asa nk blik umah..
- nk stay je kat umah tknak kuar..tapi tak than..
- dgr org amik sem break..trus nk terikut ikut..cpat terikut2 dgn org
- tkut terserempak dgn org yg da lama tak ckp..communication barrier yg amat tebal
- lupa plak nk minta maaf kat suma org..sorry maaf zahir dan btin :)
- teringat quote" The more u talk the less people remember" dahsyat o

tapi tapi tapi
EVERYDAY IS A NEW DAY KAN like today is ur last :)

oh ya. Da bnyk sngt bersosial. Rasanya bercakap guna kata gnti nama diri 'aku' dan 'kau' tu cool abess.. **angguk2 smbil tngok org melayu yg sdg bckp

pS: dear s. wa, remember we used to walk around with ppl that we just know or people we used to know? laugh for absolutely no reasons at all.have the so-called stupid fight that i would say last in 10 minutes?have a millions you-had-to-b-there time's, make fun of each other like we used to play and always b there through good times and bad times. Seems like we're missing some interesting part that i've mentioned above.isnt it?

Lots of love (LOL)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

kenapa dan kenapa

tadi kawan tanya..kenapa nk kurus sngt?

bnyk sgt jawapan...ikuti kisah di bwah..betapa peritnya kehidupan jadi org gmok ni!

Kisah 1
dulu time sekolah kan ada time PJK..pendidikan jasmani dan kesihatan..jadi tetiba satu hari ni hujan..jadi ktorang belajar la pendidikan kesihatan dalam kelas..cikgu ni nk dijadikan cerita mmg diskriminasi la pelajar gmok2..duduk pun ngan budak2 yg kurus dan cantik2..taknak sbut nama la bahaya..dia kuarkan la statement ni

Cikgu Heartless : mengikut kajian saya org2 gmok ni dia tak bnyk kwn...diorang pun susah nk sesuaikan diri dgn org sekeliling sbb gmok..

punya la marah kat cikgu tu..smpai skrg kalo jmpa taknak tegur(da la kwn bpk)...sbb tu kot sy kaki bngku smpai skrg..sbb tulah..keberkatan tu tkda da...

Kisah 2
salu da dkat2 nk raya pegi la tngok2 baju raya kan..mana tau nasib tetiba bagus ada jumpa saiz yg dikehendaki...kakak ni fedup punya fedup cari saiz sbb bulan puasa..dia ckp

turun dl beberapa kilogram baru dtg sini blik...insyaAllah ada..

tau la intention baik..tapi org gmok ni sensitif sbnrnya kwn2..hati2 yer..

Kisah 3
org ckp org gmok ni nmpak mcm 10 thun lagi tua..

haih..ckp je la akak nk ckp apa..umur saya 19 tahun.. tu je yg saya tau...

Kisah 4
kalo g supermarket ada je budak2 yang tak berperikemanusiaan pgl

hey gmok!

pesanan dari saya: adek jaga mkn..t jadi mcm akak susah..baik kita mula mencegah awl2..okeh?

Kisah 5
dulu time first sem la kat curtin ada la mamat sorang ni..dia ckp untung jadi org kurus..baju org bole skati pnjm..tngok ni ni baju islah aku pakai..sng kan?ada variety sikit..

ye la awk..saya berbangga dgn awk..

kalo nk dijadikan cerita mmg bnyk lagi..
mmg tak abes la..dan amat menyedihkan..
tapi ni yg baru2 terjadi..

Kisah Latest:
saya: pinjam motosikal wey nk g main2..

hitam: ko tnggu aku tukar tayar lori dulu..kasi letak 4 tayar lori kat situ baru aku kasi ko pnjm..

sbb tu kot sy skrg racist ngan org2 itam rasa mcm..
tetiba je moto awk hilang nnti..heheh..takdela..
saya harap awk happy dan sntiasa mnjaga motosikal awk dari segala kerosakan yer

bnyk sgt la alasan nkkurus pun baru skit..
takpe..dari kisah2 tersebut kita jadikan la satu pembakar smgt dlm diri :)
hee~doakan sy istiqamah dlm berusaha dan doakan smoga bjaya yer :)

eid mubarak celeb 2008

apabila photoshop menguasai diri :D
setiap gmba ada peace kan..baru perasan jgak..;P

Lots of love

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Bestday :)

1st September 1987

oden!happy birthday :)
da tua da:)

oden's great achievement 2008-2009

from this

to this

finally :)

1)he lose 40 kg in 3 months :) pmbakar semangat saya

2) oden_787 photostream. click me click me

santubong beach :)

Gunung Santubong

Esplanade May 2008
fm left:bang dos, mama, oden

Santubong beach resort
that's all la.. :)
my biggest bday present wud be s simple doa 4 u :) may Allah b wit u in every single thing u do :)

Lots of love :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Kek Lapis Sarawak :)

Sapa2 nk beli kek lapis Sarawak bolehla menghubungi number di bawah :)
013- 483 8523
Senarai kuih lapis adalah seperti yang berikut:

Gmbar di bawah adalah hasil google. Tapi sama je bntuk and rasa nye :)
1)Kek lapis Evergreen
gmba hiasan :)

2) Kek lapis horlick

3) Kek lapis cheese

4) Kek lapis india (cadbury) (3 inch by 8 inch RM25)

dan beberapa kuih lain seperti

5) Kek lapis masam manis
6)Kek lapis hati pari
7) Kek lapis coklat cheese

3inch by 8 inch
RM13 / RM 20 / RM25
depends on brapa gram

8inch by 8 inch
RM 35 / RM70 / RM80
Depends on brapa gram

Lots of love(LOL)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ada kala tuhan temukan kita dengan seseorang sekejap je..

sebab Dia nak kita belajar untuk menghargai dan bersyukur..


Monday, August 24, 2009

mode: RINDU

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Re: deklindot...dan kawan kawan.. Aiman over! :)

post ini adalah untuk membalas post ini : deklindot..dan kawan kawan i wish too see this everyday:

aiman yang senyum tak berhenti smpai ke telinga...

aiman yang melompat2 tu kalau dia happy...

aiman yang suka makan :) (jarang gila)

aiman yang tak berhenti nyanyi...genre yang selalu bertukar...kadang2 lagu omputih bole je tukar kepada jiwang..n last2 bertukar menjadi nasyid dan yg sewaktu dgnnya...

bukak2 pintu blik konpem aiman tgh main lptop smbil snyum...

aiman yg sediakan sarapan tu...

aiman yg mcm ulat tetiba dijumpai tidur di atas katil anda...

dan kadang2 di kerusi luar...petronas mmg tak ptut sewa satu bilik untuk aiman..haha...

jgan sdih2 lagi o aimaannn...jgn jadi pngetahuan suma org..muka aiman mrah amaatt menakutkan..deklin smbunyi dlm blik kalo tngok!!! :)

deklin pun tak sbar nk rempit2 dgn aiman lagi..

tak sbar nk nyanyi mcm apa dgn aiman dlm keta..oo lalala

tak sbar nk kene cubit aiman(ok ni tipu je k) skit gila korrtttt

tak sbar nk dgr leter aiman kalau umah bersepah

tak sbar nk tngok aiman melompat2 kalau happy

tak sbar nk goleng2 sama2 atas lantai slpas abes solat..

tak sbar nk turun kelas sama2 pagi2..wpun aiman salu halau deklin soh turun dulu

tak sbar nk tnggu aiman habiskan air sblom makan...

tak sbar blik umah tngok umah sntiasa kemas sbb aiman pntgkan kebersihan..sama la dgn azureen n mera...sori la kuali pnggan mangkuk deklin lmbt basoh!haha..

tak sbar nk dgr aiman ketuk pintu kejut subuh...
deklin deklin tok tok tok...
message dah la! haha

fyi..mera lagi tak berkesan kalau kasi bgun..
*linaaaaa...**try bukak pintu yg berkunci...


that's how it goes..things cant be the way that we always want..but the randomness of things happened strengthen our friendship..n that's how we care for each n everyone of us in that house :) im glad we're friends, mera aiman n zureen :)

Lots of love from kuching,

Saturday, August 22, 2009

salam ramadhann :)

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada semua :)

tnggal 6 jam lagi untuk sampai di kuching!
Bertahan! ^^

16 jam untuk berbuka puasa :D

1 bulan untuk raya :)

Kalau boleh,
malam ni jgak nk jumpa mama n papa...
tapi saya tak mmpu...moga2 bole mimpi diorang nnti...

kalau bole,
saya tknak mama n papa pergi tnggalkan saya,
Allah take me away perhaps...

kalau boleh,
saya nk org d skeliling saya semua gembira...
tapi saya tak dpt mengubah nya

kalau bole,
saya nk je tlong sapa2 yg mintak tlong,
tapi saya ada 2 tngn je...

kalau nak,
boleh je saya gnti jiji untuk presentation dia arini,
tapi saya tak mmpu bercakap dpn khalayak ramai...

kalau nak,
boleh je saya gnti aiman arini untuk test geo 102,
tapi saya blom blajar lagi untuk bnda tu...sorry

kalau nak,
saya bole je drive 8 hours tadi,
tapi mata sy pejam untuk 6 jam..sorry

kalau bole,
saya nk tanggung kesedihan kwn2 saya..
tapi Allah ckp dia kurniakan kesedihan untuk menguji umat2 nya...kita sama2 terima ujianNya k?

kalau bole,
saya bole je ajak najwa tido lama2 kat rumah sy,
tapi saya takut nnti anak org kaya tak biasa tido kat umah sy...

kalau nak,
bole je saya gnti amera time dia cdey2...
supaya sy bole tngok dia snyum 24 jam...

kalau bole,
nk je sy smbunyikan rokok azureen,
supaya dia terlupa nk merokok...

kalau bole,
saya nk je buka puasa ngan farah tiap2 hari,
tapi masa membataskan sgalanya...

kalau bole,
saya nk jadi mcm wanita normal yang lain, kurus, cantik..
tapi itu bkn plihan saya...

kalau bole,
sy nk blik tiap2 hari jumpa kwn2 saya kat kuching,
tapi saya kena blajar dl..nnti kita jmpa tiap2 hari pun bole...

kalau bole,
saya nak syg smua org,
supaya nnti org pun syg kat sy jgak...

kalau bole,
saya taknak terasa kat sapa2 yg skitkan saya,
sbb sy tkut itu akan rosakkan hubungan kami...

kalau bole,
saya nak jaga perasaan semua org,
tapi saya rasa sy da tak mmpu...

Ya Allah, berikanlah kekuatan kepada hambamu Ya Allah.

ni ni gmba blik saya selepas kemas... :) 5717-03

Nite yalls,
Lots of love(LOL)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


remember i used to say happy people are happy in their own way...

i let ppl to do whatever they want,
say whatever they need to say,
act whatever they feel like doing,
see whatever they curious to,

n in the end, i'll say, happy people are happy in their own way...
even though sometimes it might hurt me myself...deep inside...
even sometimes i'll try so hard to act like nothing happen,
pretend that I hear nothing,
just to save a small little piece of things called friendship,
just to keep this small little piece,
put it in a box full of thoughts, trust, understanding, memories, laughter, sadness,
Blend it all...
n write on the box, TRUE FRIENDS INSIDE!!!

i just realized that is sooo hard to take care of everyone's feeling...
i'm tired of trying...i think i need a break...
can I?

Talking bout this, there's a story shared by Pakcik aritu:

link dia sini... Kisah Unta, Ayah dan Anak

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Happy Birthday Bapak!!!

Kamek syg bapak..hadiah beli kat kuching k:)

Jgn makan bnyk bnda manis!

Jgn merokok ba...

Jgn bmbg2...

Love love love

Lots of love(LOL)

Monday, August 17, 2009

update la lagi

homework blom buat..da pukol 1230..time management yg trok kan?

tadi meeting.


sori tak ckp apa2 da...

cuma jrg tngok org tinggikan suara...

esok kelas pukol 8...

smpai 6.30

bus msti dpt naik pukol 7..

jom puasa esok :)

tak lama lagi ramadhan...

bukak puasa di rumah sndiri adalah bnda yg pling bes...


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

nak balik..homesick..

rasa da lama sngt kat miri da..
i miss HOME
especially JOHAN


Monday, August 10, 2009

i d k : saya tak tau

bincang strategi ni...

Sports Day 2009
1)badan sakit suma...jarang besukan..solat zohor td pkai kerusi...dahsyat kan?tarik tali lilit tali kat bdan..hampir menang tapi tali telepas...takde rezeki...

2)kaki kena sepak..sakit..kasut kesayangan koyak :(
ada peluang beli kasut baru ^^
3) besukan bnyk..makan pun bnyk...

4) agak sedih...

5) sbnrnya susah nk jaga perasaan semua org...segala silap dan salah minta maaf...

6) kadang2 bila kita jaga perasaan org..bila org tak jaga perasaan kita..kita terima je...kita anggap tu ujian dari Allah SWT

7) Saya tau Allah sdg menguji hubungan saya dgn kawan2 saya...

8) Saya takut org kwn dgn saya sbb nk rapatkan diri dgn besfren saya...

9)Setelah peristiwa itu, saya takut bila org mula rapat dgn saya...terima kasih awk.Saya fhm apa itu dugaan dlm berkawan.

10) Never ever take things for granted.

11) Saya tidak mengamal favouritism.

12)Cdey kan org yang mengamal favouritism. Tapi itu pilihan awk. Happy people are happy in their own way...

13) Sedih bila org yang kita rapat dulu menjauhkan diri. Ada tak? Kalau ada bgtau apa yg silap...

14) Mama n papa ckp deklin bz sngt 2-3 hari ni. Jgn jadi "Jack of all trades, master of none" diorang ckp...haih...

15) Tp diorang stil syg sy :)

16) Tadi ada village sports day. Main street soccer. Dpt no.2 (out of 3 groups.hehe)

17) Esok isnin..jom puasa.

Teringat apa yang disampaikan aritu...

49:13 O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

aritu ada pakcik tu ckp.ayat ni berkaitan dgn hablumminallah hablumminannas. Dia ckp apa2 masalah sesama manusia adalah problem dgn hubungan kita dgn Allah. Apabila ada something wrong dgn sesama manusia ada something wrong dgn ibadat kita kpd Allah. Bila ada perasaan tak ikhlas dgn sesama manusia tak ikhlas la kita dgn Allah...


da pukul 2.kelas esok kol 8.tngl 4 jam nk tido.

that's all
Lots of love(LOL)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

happy people are happy in their own way


1.If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be?
**mdm K hihik...
2.What did you do today?
**class 8-9, online quiz, jaga booth..haih..
3.Do you know a secret about your last featured friend that would embarrass them
**shh secretlah...
4.What is one fact about the last person who called you?
**papa loves me :)
5.Last time you were on the phone?
**few mins ago...
6.What's for dinner?
**apa haa?laparr
7.Ever fought with someone older or younger?
8.How many e-mail addresses do you have?
9.Last time you washed your hair?
**this morning...
10.Do you like Oreo's?
**only the black part..:P
11.Can you ice skate?
**tak pernah :(
12.Do you have a brother?
** 3 of em..
13.Do you know how to change a diaper?
**of course..johannnn .:)
14.Do you keep a planner?
**yeah :)
15.What kind of mood are you in?
** ^___^
16.Do you take out the trash?
17.What's the best part about being single?
**independent rite?
18.Do you watch "The Hills"?
19.Who are you thinking of right now?
**family, kuching
20.Wearing any bracelet?
21.What are you doing now?
22.Who was the last person that helped you stop crying?
**zureen n amera :)
23.Who do you trust with your life?
**ma family :)
24.If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
**love my name :)
25.Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
26.Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
**urgent phone calls only
28.What are your parents middle names?`
**apaa haa?
29.Righty or Lefty?
30.Favorite juice?
**apple :)
31.Have you had the chicken pox?
32.Have you had a sore throat?
**bila ha?
33.Who knows you the best?
**my mom...
34.Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
**both :)
35.Last person to see you cry?
**amera zureen
36. People u tag!
** najwa, lil haikal, epah, estella, constant